Our Purpose

White Coats & Gavels LLC is a networking group for Women of Color Physicians, Attorneys and Judges. Founded by Dr. Barbara Joy Jones-Parks in Atlanta in March 2020.

Black female physicians only account for 2% of all physicians in The United States. Black female attorneys only account for 2% of all attorneys in the The United States. There are similar unique struggles that these Women of Color go through, existing within male dominated fields.

White Coats & Gavels causes the intersection of these two powerful minority groups to collaborate professionally and bond personally via an online forum as well as exclusive in-person mixers. The Inaugural Atlanta Chapter has 1300+ women based in Metro Atlanta and is quickly growing.

2022 WCG is expanding to open chapters in cities nationwide.

Black female physicians

2% of all physicians in the U.S.

Black female attorneys

2% of all attorneys in in the U.S.